

Mr Tom Revy

Chief Executive Officer

  • BAppSc, Metallurgy
  • Grad Diploma Businesss
  • 35 plus years’ experience in global resources sector
  • ASX experience across mining (graphite, magnetite, gold)
  • Corporate development and strategic planning
  • Equity raising experience (ASX, AIM, JSE and IPOs)
  • Project development experience
  • Technical and financial project evaluation experience

Mr Jeremy Kirkwood

Non-Executive Chair

  • B. Commerce
  • 35-plus years’ experience in finance
  • Former principal of Pilot Advisory Group and Managing Director with Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley and Austock
  • Non-executive Director of industrial and mining companies since 2011
  • 30 years’ experience in energy and resources
  • Advised on numerous multibillion-dollar acquisitions in energy and resources
  • Not-for-profit Non-executive Director for numerous institutions since 1994

Mr Paul Cholakos

Non-Executive Director

  • Master Business Administration (MBA)
  • B. Engineering (Mining)
  • 30 plus years’ experience in resources sector
  • Former Executive: Oil Search Limited (ASX:OSH) and Exeter Resources
  • Broad international experience in North America, South America and Asia-Pacific
  • 20 plus years in senior technical and commercial project roles
  • Central to Oil Search’s transition to an LNG producer, leading key elements of PNG LNG through construction, start up and to steady state operations

The Hon Tony McGrady, AM

Non-Executive Director

  • Almost 50 years’ experience in local and state government roles and the not-for-profit sector
  • Experience includes serving as Queensland’s Minister for Mines and Energy, Police and Corrective Services, and State Development and Innovation, and as Mayor of Mount Isa
  • Chairman of the Queensland Premier’s Ambassadors Council, the CopperString Regional Reference Group and Lifeflight’s Advisory Committee for the North West Region
  • Non-executive Director of the Port of Townsville for 10 Years
  • Federal Government appointee to the Riversleigh World Heritage Committee
  • Member of the Order of Australia