Hawsons Iron is answering the world’s call for high grade quality iron ore products.

Trucks working at Hawsons Iron Project site

About Hawsons

Hawsons Iron is answering the world’s call for high grade iron ore products.
We are focused on developing our flagship Hawsons Iron Project near Broken Hill, NSW, into a premium producer of high quality iron ore products for the global steel industry.


Featured Project

Our flagship Hawsons Iron Project has been identified by independent analysts as one of the world’s leading undeveloped high-quality iron ore concentrate and pellet-feed projects.

Steelmaking is experiencing a revolution, with an unprecedented focus on increased productivity and decreased pollution, which has stoked demand for higher grade iron ore products.

At a time when global quality is declining, Hawsons Iron Project can produce the world’s best iron ore products. That’s why we’ve attracted support from the world’s leading steelmakers and traders as we advance Broken Hill’s next major mine.

Ores ain’t ores

When it comes to iron ore, ores ain’t ores. Our Hawsons Iron Project near Broken Hill benefits from its uniquely soft ore compared to typical magnetites, as seen in this demonstration by Hawsons’ Processing Plant Specialist, Ray Koenig.

Latest News

AGM Notice

Chairman’s address – 2023 AGM

Chair Jeremy Kirkwood told investors that the Hawsons Iron Project has become more favourable due to the intensifying focus on green steel and the need for high-grade iron product.

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